Know your future career today.
From the age of 12 and along the way, we start trying to find out who we really want to be basing on our interests, experiences and the environment we live in. It’s all human and natural to have a series of career dreams. Today you want to be a doctor, the next time u you want to be a teacher and at the end you turn out to be something totally different. The biggest percentage of people end up studying things that are so altered from their interests, some changing from one field to another until they get one that best suits their interests and the few lucky ones do what they were interested in from the beginning. We always sit back and criticize how our education system does not let us find out what we are interested in because, we continuously base on the points to know what to do in the higher levels. And yet we could do something about it. If you had a chance to interact with kids in middle school or high school, they are filled with delightful dreams which are all sha...